Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. I know awhile ago I had done a post on the weirdest body art that I have ever seen and I thought that I really needed to update that one and show you some better examples of some weird body art. Starting with this one.

I really do not know how anyone in there right mind could have done this to themselves really I do not understand. I even wonder if she can even get a job with that appearance. I can understand that she maybe likes all of that stuff but really now of days you have to be practical with the things that you do to your body. Everyone today judges you on appearance. For a fact she probably does not even have a job. My question though is where else is she going to kept adding those piercings because as you can tell her whole body is tattooed up so she really can not add any to her tattoo.
Now to talk about this guy. What in the world was really going through his head when he got implants to make it look like he had horns that are starting to grow out of his head. And make your nostrils enlarged. That really would have to hurt. I know that even getting the nose pierced hurts so i can not imagine enlarging them. And how in the world do you pierce your forehead? That would be right on top of the skull and if anyone hit you there on accident that would hurt more than anything you can imagine. Along with enlarging the nose he has taken the enlargement of the ears a little to far. Small enlargements in the ear look fine but that large just looks to awkward.
Alright so this is the last one that I will never understand why they would do this to themselves. Really if you are that much into lizards you really do not need to take it this far and make yourself the human lizard. Really like he is every going to get a really job. Nobody is going to want to hire anyone that would do this to there body, because nobody is going to want to have their clients look at a man like this.

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