Friday, May 22, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. This will be my last post of the year. I am finally graduating and moving on to the real world. This blog has been very interesting. At some points it did get very difficult to keep on thinking about things to type but it all worked out in the end. Unfortunately I never really read anyone's blog so I really do not know what anybody else did or how they approached this. For me though I really enjoyed this blogging and it really helped me to express my feelings on everything and it helped me to show people the good sides about body art. I really loved the fact that we got to choose anything that we wanted to write about and not be assigned to what we would have to write. I think that with us able to choose topics that many people actually liked this homework and really did not look at it as homework. I feel as though that it was not really homework because I would even get on it my own and type stuff in when ever I felt like it. It made it so I could get a good grade and also say everything that I wanted to without being judged on it. That is why I liked the fact that are names were not involved in this process so that people could not judge you on what you were writing because I know that if the name would have been present than there might be a few people upset with me and that would not be very good. In the long run though this was a very good idea to blog and I would recommend everyone to at least try it once. It really is not that bad at all and it is a way to get a good grade with out it feeling like it is a grade. So this is my fair well to you all and I hope that everyone enjoyed reading this blog and liked it. Thank you!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back this time I am going to talk about people getting gang sign tattoos. Many people know that many places consist of gangs now of days and that it is hard to truly find a place where there is no single gang around. When getting into the gang many people think that it is cool to get the gang sign tattoo onto them or even the tear drop below the eye to show that they have killed or helped in the killing of someone. I really do not understand why they feel as if they need to get all of the signs tattooed onto them, because what if you later regret your choice of joining the gang and what are you really suppose to do with all the tattoo signs of them if you decide to leave the gang. Many people who are leaders of the gang say that when you leave your group then your artwork comes off and unless you can find a good place to run and hide to and live with out them finding you they will remove that skin that has there gang sign on it to show that you are no longer welcome. I feel as if many of these young kids need to truly think about it before they decide to get a gang sign tattooed onto them because how do you really think you are going to make it in the real world if you are affiliated with gangs.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hey so this time I am going to talk about the tattoo that my boyfriend is wanting to get done some time soon. He has one on his arm of his initials and he either wants to get a grim reaper on his arm sitting on the initials or else he is going to place it in the middle of his back and have the words living going above it and sacrifice underneath of it. I think that it is really going to be a sweet tattoo right now he is saving up the money for it because it is probably going to be close to eight hundred dollars. He is going to have the skeleton be either black or green with it hold the famous knife or some kind of thing that is usually associated with the grim himself. And then he is not quite sure yet though on what color he is going to have the letters be but what ever he decides to do I think it will look very good on him and he knows it will to. He is not sure though where it will look the best at but I think the whole idea of him getting it on the back would look very good. I just think adding it to the other tattoo will really crowd that side of his arm a little to much and he will end up not liking the placement of it later on down the road. But he will decide it all out himself some time soon. Well I will post again in the next couple of days. It time to take a break and get some food.
Hey everyone welcome back well this time I am going to talk about people who get there lips tattooed. I really do not understand the whole thing people sometimes are just either crazy for tattoos and can not think of any other place to get them done at. Or are really trying to hind the tattoo from either a loved one or a father or mother who are totally against the idea of people getting tattoos. Do they not understand though that after three to five years that it will fade away? With skin being that wet all the time really makes it so that the ink really tends to come out way before you really want it to. In a way somewhat though it is a good idea if you do not want a tattoo for that long and rather just take the time to see if you like the idea of tattoos or not in the period of time because you know it will slowly begin to fade away. Though watching the shows now of days on television you see many people who are now getting more and more tattoos on there lips than needed. It seems that since more and more people are getting tattoos more and more people feel like they need to be more original with the placement of their tattoos and more and more people begin to get them on the face or behind the ear just to be a little different from everyone else. Which I kind of have to agree with them that way to many people now of days are getting everything done in well known spots. So some just switch it up a bit.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This time I am going to post some photos of some ideas for my sleeve and always the arabic wirting that my brother got done on his chest. I have not posted photos in a while because I have mostly been talking about my friends and my tattoos and it is kind of hard to show you guys photos when I do not have a digital camera and my mother really does not trust me with hers because it was like 500 dollars and she does not want anything bad to happen to it at all.

This first photo is going to be of some ideas for my sleeve.

This one is of a cherry bloosom and this one is of a rose branch.And I will have to find out exactly what the design looks like on my brothe before I post it on here that was I do not write it wrong
Alright so this time I am going to talk about a tattoo that I really want to get some time soon but will not have the money for it for a long time. It is going to be a sleeve tattoo of rose or cherry blossoms going down my whole arm with maybe one or two birds in the background. The problem though is that I some how have to find a way to come up with 1500 dollars and then I have to find the time to have it done because Jason said it will take a good three days of work and when they say three days of work it is actually going to be four to five months of work because after a full day of work they have to give it a month to a month and a half to fully heal again before they can dig into the skin again that way you are to horrible sore the whole time. I came up with the idea when I went to my freshmen orientation at Kirkwood and say this girls arm who had started making a tree going down her arm and it really did look amazing. Though she was going for the whole black look and was not going to add any color into it at all which looks good on some people but I know personally that I would like to have mine done in color since I am so pale and keeping it all black would make it stand out way to much. Even though I am going to stand out all on my own by having a sleeve but with the new generation today many people are becoming full of tattoos. So in some way I will be like everyone else.
Hey everyone welcome back. Well recently nothing really exciting has been going on in my life but my brother did end up getting a tattoo this weekend and it actually does not look half bad from where he got it from. It is a tattoo of Love written in Arabic and it is on the upper part of his chest. He went and got it done last Friday and he had it done at Clovers. I really do not know how well they do tattoos but I do know that they are really good at doing piercings. That is where I went to get all of my piercings at and they really do do a good job at those. I just do not know any one else besides my brother who has gone there to get tattoos they are more known for there piercing skills. They are very friendly people though. And they did tell him that if he needed any touch ups and they would be free for six months so that is always good to have. It states that they will really back up there work they do. When he came home though and showed me the tattoo I could have sworn that it was fake and he was trying to get me in trouble once he showed our dad his tattoo. I know if I was to show my dad my tattoo he would literally kick me out of the house but yet when he should our dad he did not even freak out on him at all he actually liked it. Which I think is very unfair because he has told me a million and one times if I ever got any tattoo I would be out on the streets and would have to pay for my own college. But whatever you can somewhat tell who is the favorite with him. It happens though. I am proud of my brother though on actually going and getting a tattoo because body art is a brilliant way to show your artistic side.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Welcome back long time no talk. Just messing with you. Anyways though about the whole tattoo thing I recently got to see an old buddy of mine this past weekend at my boyfriends birthday party and he had a really cool tattoo done on the forearm of his arm. It was of a five or six pointed star, I personally can not remember how many points there were but you get the point and then it had wings going out of it and it was all done in black and white and it actually was really good looking. Personally though I think tattoos look better with color but this one looked good on its very own with just black ink. The wings kind of reminded me of the wings that I have done on my back so that was kind of cool to have somewhat related tattoos in that sense. Now of days tough many people are getting wings on there bodies so you really have to be original if you plan on getting wings on your body and you really can not go with just the basic wings you have to spice it up some or else you are just going to be like everyone else with wings done. I use to want my back done with angel wings until I got my lower back done but now of days that tattoo is way to popular and I really do not want to ink myself up and just be like everyone else. You always want to be original with your designs that way no one else has the exact same thing on there body.
Hey everyone welcome back. Well anyways I have found out recently that my brother is thinking now about getting a tattoo and he is kind of branching off the same idea that I had for my wrist tattoo. At first I could have sworn to death that he found out that I wanted one and was trying to get me in trouble by telling my father that he wanted a tattoo done of Arabic writing on his chest and I just knew right then and there and he knew and wanted to get me in trouble. I really came to find out though that he actually had no idea that I wanted to get a tattoo done of Arabic writing and that it was all a mistake on my half for thinking that he knew. But anyways so yeah he wants to get his first tattoo done. He is really not sure yet though where he plans on going to or what he wants the tattoo to say in Arabic, but I hope that it all turns out good for him. Recently though I had my Kirkwood orientation and I saw a girl there who had a tree of flowers going down her whole arm and it really made me wonder if that would look good also on my arm. Personally though I would do like a rose tree or something so that way it was not exactly like that girls but I have just also thought that a full sleeve would look good on one of my arms I just have to think personally the cost of getting all of that done and the time that it would take. But I also have to think if I would want a full sleeve later down the road in life.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

So anyways to change the subject just a little this weekend is really going to be a blast and I can not wait. I do not have to come to school on Friday because of the reason that I have to take my mom to her surgery which is really going to suck for her and I feel really bad to. But then that night it is my boyfriends birthday and since it is going to be so nice out we are going to have a cook out and I am surprising him buying helping him out and paying for the rest of his tattoo to be finished up. I really hope that he is going to enjoy that present. But the cook out really turns out great and that at least the friends that are closest to him show up instead of being rude and not even coming at all. I really hope that if they do plan on coming that they decide not just to come for the food but also stay a little afterwards to just talk and hang out. I am so excited though because it is his 20 birthday but then again not that excited since he is almost 21 and can not stop talking about how excited he is to go to the bars which really makes me nerves since there will be drunk girls all over him and everything. I really do not know how I will handle that but we will see when the time gets here.
Hey everyone so I was thinking for a little bit that I am already thinking of one more tattoo and it is going to be of what I had shown you in one of the first post. I sort of want to get a rose trail across my back and have the roses on a vine kind of going up my rib cage and onto my shoulder. I am debating though if I want to go through the pain of having to get that done on my ribs. Since I saw my friend get his tattoo on his ribs and I would have to say and he agreed with me that it was a extremely painful spot to get a tattoo done there. And it literally took the tattoo artist 13 hours to fully finish the whole tattoo with color and everything. I really can not imagine how in the world anyone could sit there that long. I know when I got mine done on my lower back it really began to hurt when the color was added, because it was already very tender after the outline and then when he rubbed the color it literally sent pains into my leg because my back was so sensitive. I just hope that if I decide to get it done that I can really sit through all of it and not just want to get up and march my way out of there. That is really my only issue besides the fact of trying to save up the money to get the tattoo. It will probably be around the range of 500 to 600 dollars and that is really alot to have to save up.
Hey everyone welcome back. Well I finally got the true way of how to write my new tattoo in Arabic and it looks awesome. This way to if I ever meet a Arabic person I will have the right way of writing it instead of having it come from google translator and be wrong. It was kind of embarrassing though to go up and ask my friend how to spell and write it out and he said that what I got from google was completely wrong in ever way. All of the words had been switched around. But now I am straight on track and I have everything ready for when I get this tattoo done. I am debating though how to get the color done on it and if I want anything done around the outside of it. It is hard to decide though because I have such small wrist that I do not know if I can even fit my whole saying around my whole wrist without having to make it really small. But I am hoping and praying that everything comes out right. Knowing my luck though is that something will happen to go wrong. But anyways I know that even if it comes out a little different then what I am looking for it will still be an amazing tattoo in the fact that it is going to mean more then the world to me and my father hopefully. If I have not said it yet he really hates the idea of tattoos and if he ever knew that I had a tattoo I would be out on the streets. That's why me and my mom keep my tattoos a secret because she knows that that exact thing will happen. But anyways this post happens to be done now. Thank you for reading it.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. So this past week has been very interesting. Trying to get everything decided on prom and then people really pissing me off and now deciding that they do not want to pay for the limo when I already put all of my money into paying it and do not want to be stuck with the whole bill. But anyways with my whole new diet thing I have finally decided that I want to get my belly button pierced because my stomach is somewhat in better shape. I just have to really decide when I want to get it and if I want to pay the money for it because it cost 40 dollars to get a belly button piercing. But hopefully I can decide soon before prom so that way I will know if I need to get a different piercing by then so that it does not show through the dress. But anyways away from that topic I found out the my friend is deciding to get a tattoo done on her arm and it is going to be of her babies footprints when she has her going up her arm and I think that it is going to look really great on her and she will really like it. She is going to get it done at Hardcore which is a pretty decent place even though I would never get a tattoo done anywhere else besides Neon Dragon. But I am going to go now and enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hey everyone so about this whole tattoo thing. I have just recently found out that my friend is wanting to become a tattoo artist and she is thinking that she is going to be able to make it even though she is being trained by the worst person in the whole state of Iowa. He is a real drug person and he real can not do tattoos. He digs way to far in to peoples skin and before he does your tattoo he has to go into the back room and do drugs. Like real his only clients are under age teens who want to get a tattoo and can not wait until they are 18 years old. Every shop in town makes fun of this shop and I really do not understand why she does not get out of that shop and go and work for the best so that way she is trained by the best. Working at this shop is really going to give her a bad reputation and no one is going to every let her transfer over to a new shop because they all know that this guy can not teach her the real art of tattoos. I feel bad though because she really thinks that this guy is the real deal but she will come out to find out that he is a loser just like everyone else has told her. Its just disgusting cause I went in there myself one day and he tried to get my friend to have sex with him and he is literally as old as my dad and that is just sick. He also has his prison photo posted up on the wall. This shop is just horrible and I hope she gets out of there fast and soon.
Hey everyone welcome back. So i finally got an appointment for my new tattoo and it is all the way in august. Which sucks really bad because I really want to get it sooner than that. But oh well I guess. I waited far to long to get an appointment with Jason. He really fills up fast. so that must so a good sign of how good his work is and even the other people in his shop like Andrew. It is difficult though trying to find out the exact way to write my saying out in Arabic. So many different translator sites keep writing it in a different way and it is really starting to frustrate me a lot and I just really need to find out the exact way. I really do not want to get the tattoo if the spelling of it is not right. Who would really want to walk around with a tattoo in a different language and then come to find out that what you got tattooed on your body is not even really what it means. That would be horrible embarrassing or at least it would be to me. This tattoo is really going to mean so much to me though, even though I really do not have a whole lot of Lebanese in me my grandfather was full and my dad is half and I just really want to get this for them and show them that I really do respect there background. And even though I never got to meet my grandfather I hope that he is looking down and is proud of what I am doing and really respects this tattoo. I just really want everyone to be proud of whatever I decide to do in my life and self.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hey so anyways more and more on tattoos again. Me and my boyfriend are thinking about soon going in and adding some more art to his body. We just can not really decide what to get done. At first he really wanted to fix up his first tattoo by adding some smoke into the background of his initials and then have a skull coming out of the middle of it. Which sounds awesome but I do not think that he is very set on that idea. Now he is thinking that he wants to get something done on his back but can not decide what yet. I know though that whatever he does it is going to look amazing because he has a really good taste in art and he would not get anything put on his body that is going to look bad in the long run of things. I am starting to think though that I might want to eventually get sleeves done at least on one arm and have at the top of the shoulder a rose bush going all the way done and then added other things in after awhile. I just have to fully think about it first and if I am going to enjoy it later in life or just really regret it later in life. I will get it all figured out here soon enough in time.
Hey so to tell you more about tattoos my friend is about to go and get a new one added on to his arm here in July. And it is a pretty sick tattoo. He is getting a tattoo done of a cartoon pin up girl and she is going to be holding a ink gun in her hands. The best part though is that he wants to eventually get a whole sleeve done and with the pin up girl being added he is going to make it so that the pin up girl has selves herself on her body. It really is going to come out really sick looking I can not wait to see it. He also though later wants to add a cloud at the top of his shoulder and have it be raining down his arm all over the other tattoos. He also wants to get a bar code put on his arm as well to show that he is a product of HyVee since he has worked there so long and will be there for awhile more. He is going to make sure to that the bar code has the same first numbers as all the HyVee products that way it is official. I think that one is kind of weird but he has the choice to do whatever he wants with his body and hopefully his sleeve will come out looking awesome. Which I already know it will since Jason Evans is a tattoo artist genius. Hopefully he likes it to all in the end or else that would really suck to have all that work done and really not enjoy it at all.
Hey everyone welcome back once again. Well I had looked up how to write my next tattoo out in Arabic and it is actually very interesting looking but I am going to have to go to the shop tonight and get myself an appointment so that way I do not have to wait all the way into August. I really think that if I had to wait that long to get a tattoo I would probably most likely forget about the appointment and then have to reschedule and that would probably be another couple of months before I could get it again. Which would suck horrible to have to wait that long. But anyways I am really excited about that tattoo because it really has a whole lot of meaning to me. It is part of my life that I do not ever want to forget and putting this tattoo on me will show that I have great respect for my background and hopefully my father will approve of this tattoo. It will be difficult though to get him to approve this tattoo because he really hates the whole aspect of tattoos. He is the kind of person that thinks that they are trashy looking and disgusting. Which is the reason that I have not told him about my two tattoos or else I probably would be in very big trouble. I am hoping though that this tattoo will change his mind because it is for him and the whole idea of me getting tattoos is because it is my body and I love the fact that I can express how I feel through amazing body art. It really is a great way to express yourself. I just can not really decide what color of ink I want it done in and if I want to add anything around the outside of it. I will come up with something though.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. This weekend has been pretty good except from the part that I had to take a stupid ACT test on Saturday which took forever. Besides that though it has been a pretty good weekend. I have decided on a new tattoo that I am going to get once I graduate. It is going to be Arabic writing saying the haddad family. It is going to go across my wrist like a bracelet type tattoo. I think it is really going to look good and I can not wait to tell my dad about it because I am doing it on behalf of his heritage. So I hope that he is really going to like it. The thing is though that Jason is booked all the way to July so it is going to be hard to get appointment with him. So I am going to have to go in there sometime soon and schedule that with him. I am really excited to get this one just because of the significance of it to me. I do think though that it is going to hurt really bad since I have small skinny wrist. I just hope though that it does not hurt as bad as my back tattoo cause that one actually hurt. Especially when he had to go over my back bone. Well anyways that is my plan for now but you never know it could change.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. So I have some tragic news this past Sunday my uncle pasted away. It is horrible sad because I really loved that guy and he was so nice to everyone that he knew. Every child that was born in the family he would make them either a wooden cradle or high chair for the girls and a wooden fire truck for the boys. He dedicated his life to his family and his beloved wife Judy. I just feel so bad for her because Darrell was the love of her life. They were like best friends there were never apart and to just see her yesterday at the funeral just made me loose it. She is taking pretty hard but she puts a good front up. I just know that he will be loved and missed by everyone that he knew and every one's lives that he touched. He really was a remarkable man and husband, and I know that I am going to miss him horrible bad. I just really could not believe how bad I broke down at the funeral I really was not expecting it but when they kept saying Judy's name and did the flag fold I just crumbled. But it was a nice funeral and he will be happy up there with Jesus Christ. After though we had our usual family dinner get together in remembrance of him and it was actually very well put together. Both sides of the family was there and we all got to catch up on old times and see family that we had not seen in a long time. It was very nice. In remembrance of Darrell Lewis.
Hey everyone welcome back. Spring break was amazing but yet the weather sucked horrible back here in cedar rapids. It almost sucked so bad that it almost ruined spring break here in Iowa, but what really can ruin spring break that much it is a whole week off of school which rocks big time. I know that teachers also enjoy it too. They would be crazy if they did not enjoy it. What is there not to enjoy, sleeping in, no work, no homework for students, nothing really to worry about. My spring break though was mostly spent spending time with my lovely boyfriend who always makes every day better for me. I know that was a little to much but it is true i love him dearly. But anyways back to spring break I mostly sat and watched movies or went to movies and even went out to dinner a whole lot to. But it was fun. I am jealous of the kids though that could afford to go out to Mexico and all those other spring break places in the nice warm sun and see that wonderful beaches. Instead back here i spent the whole time watching it either rain, be windy, or snow. Not one day was it even close to being nice out. It really made it so that i did not even want to be outside at all the whole spring break. I also got to spend time with my other friends as well and got a nice lovely income tax return in the mail which everyone loves to receive. I wonder what I will spend that on soon. Well talk to you all later.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. Told you all it would not be long until I wrote back on here again. I just needed a little bit of a break from typing. And to take a little nap. Staying up all night really takes a toll on your body I might say. Well anyways to get back into the talk about tattoos I wanted to mention perhaps again how dumb it looks when men get those stupid barb wire tattoos. Like really you can not be original at all and come up with something better then that. So many older men now of days have that barb wire tattoo on there shoulder thinking that it is really cool and makes them look tough. Seriously if you really think that that tattoo makes you even look somewhat tough then you need to really sit down and think about that. Barb wire tattoos are so unpopular now. To many people have got them now that it is just boring and you are going to be just like that other person walking down the street if you decide to get one. Come people if you do you really lack originality and you need to think of something way better then that.
Hey everyone welcome back long time no talk. Just kidding. Well anyways instead of talking about life the whole time in this post I will actually get into talking about tattoos. I was thinking of a new tattoo to get and it was going to be kind of simple but cute. I was going to get a bracelet wrapped either around my ankle or my wrist. But I really can not decide what the pattern might be. A ton of people that I know that have bracelets wrapped around there ankles usually have that rose Marys bracelet or something like that. And personally I am not really a whole church person. I actually do not even believe in god at all. I figure that the whole saying god will come save us all thing made me not believe in him because do you not thing that he would have said us all during the Holocaust or through any of our horrible times or how about even now. Our world right now is really messed up. But anyways back to the whole bracelet thing I think that it might be like a peace bracelet or something like that since we need some peace in this world. And then of course I still want the rest of my back done with wings or something else i am just not sure yet on how I am going to finish it off. But anyways I think that I am done with this post and I will come back and update here in a little while later. Have a nice spring break everyone I know that I will.
Hey everyone welcome back. Well this week is going to be the best it is spring break now. I ma so happy no school for a whole week. Its my wishes come true, just kidding. Well anyways this past week was really good. I took my best buddy out one day to eat, scored good on my test for the week, and never had any homework at all that whole week. I would have to say it was a very good week to lead into spring break. Even though for spring break I do not even get to go anywhere. But that is alright I get to spend time with my friends and family. Which there is never anything wrong with that. I was hoping though for spring break that I would be able to go to California or Mexico or even Florida. Just somewhere really warm so that I could show off my wonderful tattoo. As you can tell I am very proud of my tattoo because it just looks so amazing and like I have said a million times I can not wait to get my next one done by Jason Evans. Well anyways I also got to see my best friends new apartment yesterday and it is a really cool apartment. She has a two bedroom apartment that has a really nice fireplace in it. And the rent every month is not even that bad at all for a nice place like that. It makes me really want to get out and get a nice place like that for myself when I happen to finally move out. Or if I even do anytime soon since right now it is so much easier living at home so that I do not have to pay any bills except for just cellphone bills and gas for that car. It is actually really nice living there because I also do not even have to worry about food issues either because there is always a home cooked meal everyday. It is the good life!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hey everyone long time no talk. Just messing with you. Well anyways so my friend is thinking about adding a tattoo of her baby's footprint on to her back. Which I think personally is a really cute and adorable idea. I know when it comes time for me to have a child I am going to get something tattooed onto my body as well that resembles them in my life along with maybe a husband tattoo but that is up for debate. Well anyways she wants to do the actual original baby footprint which is going to look amazing. And then she is going to add his name at the bottom of it so that everyone knows footprint that it is. I just hope that she goes to a good tattoo artists because I hate to see something that means so much like this get destroyed by someone who really can not do the right job that she wants done. Jason Evans though would do the best job in town in my opinion so hopefully she goes to him. But I am going to get going now talk to you all later.
Hey everyone welcome back. Well this weekend was pretty amazing besides the part of having to work on such beautiful days that we have been having lately. Well if any of you knew Neon Dragon had an amazing special Friday night for Friday the 13th and they were doing piercings for only 13 dollars. That right there to is an amazing deal because piercings usually range around like 40 dollars to get anything done and that is pretty expensive so if any of you went there you got a pretty good deal. And for those of you who missed out on that then it really sucks to be you right now having to pay the horrible price of 40 dollars now if you decide that you want to get a piercing.
Well anyways they also did a special on freaky tattoos that related into Friday the 13th. Which is a pretty good deal if you are into all of that stuff and you wanted a cheap tattoo to get put on you that night then you picked the right stuff to be interested into. Personally I do not think that I could get something that related to Friday the 13th tattooed onto my body but yet who am I to judge this time because I know alot of people who probably would not get the tattoo that I have on my back. But it is a preference type of thing and maybe one day I would like to get something tattooed like that on me but that is in the future for now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. I know awhile ago I had done a post on the weirdest body art that I have ever seen and I thought that I really needed to update that one and show you some better examples of some weird body art. Starting with this one.

I really do not know how anyone in there right mind could have done this to themselves really I do not understand. I even wonder if she can even get a job with that appearance. I can understand that she maybe likes all of that stuff but really now of days you have to be practical with the things that you do to your body. Everyone today judges you on appearance. For a fact she probably does not even have a job. My question though is where else is she going to kept adding those piercings because as you can tell her whole body is tattooed up so she really can not add any to her tattoo.
Now to talk about this guy. What in the world was really going through his head when he got implants to make it look like he had horns that are starting to grow out of his head. And make your nostrils enlarged. That really would have to hurt. I know that even getting the nose pierced hurts so i can not imagine enlarging them. And how in the world do you pierce your forehead? That would be right on top of the skull and if anyone hit you there on accident that would hurt more than anything you can imagine. Along with enlarging the nose he has taken the enlargement of the ears a little to far. Small enlargements in the ear look fine but that large just looks to awkward.
Alright so this is the last one that I will never understand why they would do this to themselves. Really if you are that much into lizards you really do not need to take it this far and make yourself the human lizard. Really like he is every going to get a really job. Nobody is going to want to hire anyone that would do this to there body, because nobody is going to want to have their clients look at a man like this.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. This time I am not going to talk about my topic. I am going to tell you about how I feel about blogging. Personally I like it every much. It lets me express myself and how I feel about things in my own type of diary. Its a great way also for people who are reading it to think truly about the tattoos and piercings that they get. Typing a blog is kind of like squeezing a stress ball. It lets you get everything out that you want to and still have no one there that can judge you in what you think. So as you can see I really like to blog. I get to tell you my true feelings about the dumb tattoos and piercings you all seem to think is cool. Many other people though seem not to like to blog because they think that it is just so other task that they have to do and they seem really not to enjoy it. If they really got into it though they would see that it is actually very fun to express your thoughts out and maybe then they would not just think of it as a requirement but as a pleasure to do. In my own experience with blogs, is that it is much better to make fun of people here without them knowing who you are instead of saying it to there face.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. So recently I have posted about my new tattoo. It is a winged heart with a spider web behind it and two roses below it. It is looking really good now. But I am going through the stage of it starting to itch and it is also starting to peel as well, which sucks because I am hoping that it does not peel that much because it really itches. Jason did an amazing job.
Well my boyfriend Brady now wants to add more to his first tattoo, which is a tattoo of his initials, which is BRP. Now though he wants to add smoke like around the outside of it and then a skull coming out of the middle of the initials. I think it is going to look amazingly sweet. Anything that he adds to it will look very sweet with the tattoo.
Next is my friend is already to thinking about his next tattoo. He is eventually going to get a whole entire sleeve which will be very cool. But his next two tattoos are going to be a pin up girl. The pin up girl is also going to have a whole sleeve on her arm as well. And then the other one is going to be a watch on his hand so that he can tell everyone his opinion on the time that it is.
It will be cool whatever both of them decides to do because Jason does an amazing job at every task that he has.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. Well this weekend was beautiful out. On Saturday it literally felt like it was 70 degrees out. But anyways if you have been reading lately I got my tattoo done on Friday night. It looks amazing. It did hurt though a bit but it was all worth it. It took almost 4 hours to do it. But Jason Evans did a wonderful job and I would never go to any other shop besides his. The way that he blended the colors makes it look so really especially the heart. He got it to look so really. I am very proud of it. I already can not wait to get another one already. But I am going to have to wait for awhile on any other ones since my mom and dad are not very proud of them. We have completely different tastes. But anyways I am going to head out and I will post again here pretty soon. Later.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. Sorry lately about some of the posts they have been a little off topic. But I really have to tell you that last night was one of the best concerts that I have ever been too. Slipknot rocked the stage. The best part though was that my boyfriend Brady and I were directly in the very front row. It was amazing. Literally it was like they were two inches away from you. There opening bands were great to except for Cohead and Cambriam. They really disappointed me because after only like three songs they were being booed by the crowd and they ended up dropping there instruments on the ground and walking off. They are just not in the right tour. They tried to mix there normal singing in with hard core screamers that rocked. And it really just did not fit right at all. They were good in there own way though, but just the wrong crowd to be playing for. Slipknot though caused everyone to start moshing and shoving everyone around. Literally you could not stand still in one place for more then ten seconds. It was amazing even though it started to get really hot and many people do not know of such a thing called deodorant. Trivium was there to and they did an amazing job opening for Slipknot. It was great at the end of there performance they through guitar picks out and I came so close to catching one but the people in front of me were a little to tall for me and they beat me to getting one. But besides that all I have left to say is that my tattoo is tomorrow and I will update after that. Post later!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. It has been a long time no talk. It is that I have been working a lot lately and I have not yet had anytime to update you guys on anything. Well lately I have been just keeping up with the gossip. This week has been really boring because one of my best friends has been suspended since last week and it is really boring since I do not have him to talk to everyday. Well anyways though big news! Tomorrow I get to go to the slipknot concert with my boyfriend Brady. It is going to be such a blast. I got the tickets for him for Christmas. I really hope that everything goes well that night, even though I am going to be dead Thursday during school because the trip to the concert is two hours long. And it probably will not end until 11:30 or 12:00. But I will have to try and attempt to make it through the school day with a few naps here and there. And then once again as a reminder I have my tattoo coming up here in like three days and I am supper excited. The bad thing though is that my time for the tattoo got bumped up to 3:30 because my tattoo artist has to go to a puppy training class at Petco by 6:00 which was my original time to get it done. It is just going to suck because now I can not have my boyfriend come because he will still be sleeping since he works 3rd shift. I will have to be brave and attempt it myself. Wish me luck. Well I will update again soon and let you all know how everything went.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. Today is going to be the wonderful topic of feet tattoos. Ouch! Indeed you have to know that it would hurt really badly. It has to hurt you really bad because there is barely any fat there and it is literally being done right on the bone. Unless you have an incredibly large amount of fat on your feet. It sometimes though comes out looking really cute. If I had the balls to maybe do it I think that I would because people with the right type of feet can really pull it off and make it look adorable. I have many friends who pull it off and have amazingly well done tattoos on there feet. Like one of my friends has words written in French that spell out laugh love live. And another one of my friends has stars going across her feet, which is so cute. She really pulls it of. But then there are some people that I know that look really bad with it because they try to show it off and it is just a crappy done tattoo or else they have really ugly feet. Here are some wonderful photos of some though.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hey welcome back to my blog. I know you have been dying to read a new post from me. Laugh out loud! Well this time I am going to talk about inappropriate piercings. The first one I am gong to talk about is the lower area of your body and you know what I mean when I say that. First of all I have to say is why in the world would you allow someone down in that area if you were a boy or girl? That is suppose to be a private place where only you and if you have a loved one are suppose to see. But yet people let strangers just go on down there and do there job. It is really just disgusting. And being the piercer what if the person you were piercing was like gross down there and had stuff that you really do not want to get or I should say receive. There is many different names for those piercings one including Jacob's ladder. Then there is also the nipple piercing. I do not understand once again why you would show off your private parts of your body to any one besides your loved one. It is just very improper unless you have known this person for quite some time. I just can not imagine showing off my closed off sections to any one who is in the studio at the time of the piercing. I mean look at the world today there could really be some nasty old perverts there, and they get to see all of your goodies. I mean I love body art and all but there is a point when you need to put boundaries down.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. So I am going to talk this time about another upcoming tattoo of mine. Well over a long talk on the phone I finally convinced my sister to get an identical tattoo with me. We are going to get matching tattoos that symbolize sister tattoos. We have not decided yet what the symbolizes might be but I came up with an idea of doing an open rose on her symbolizing that she is older and has bloomed and then having a closed rose on me showing that I am the younger one and have not yet matured into a full blossomed into a full beautiful rose. She did though say right of the back that she did not want to do that one because she did not want to be symbolized as old. She said that it was somewhat rude that I even came up with that idea. Though it was in a joking way. Well anyways though we are planning on getting it done by the famous Kat Von D! She is the one who has her show called LA Ink and TLC. She is an amazingly great tattoo artist and since my sister lives in California why not take advantage and get hers and my tattoo done by one of the best known artist in the United States. It is going to be hard somewhat though to get an appointment but we are trying. The say even just walking into the shop there are always crowds of people standing there to meet the artist of the well known show. We are going to try our best though to get into there appointment book sometime soon!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey everyone this time I am going to talk about facial tattoos. There are the basic behind the ear tattoos, the lower neck tattoos, just basically anywhere on the neck tattoos, then there is the crazy ones like your whole entire face done, eye liner tattoos, eye ball tattoos, lip liner tattoos, and just many more crazy ones. I do not think that I would ever be able to tattoo my eye. And tattooing your eye liner and lip liner is just dumb because what if you want a different color some day down the road what do you think you are going to be able to do about it. And doing your whole entire face would just hurt painfully bad. You would have to have a high pain tolerance. And I know that i do not have that feature. I do think though that the behind that ears and neck tattoos and very interesting. With the behind that ears you can cover that up at anytime and no one could even know that you have a tattoo there unless you wear your hair up in a pony tail. Also the neck is some what interesting because you would have to be very tough going over your collar bone. And I personally want one on the lower part of my neck when I get older. I will have to get my pain tolerance up though first. Here though is some crazy photos for you of some cool and weird tattoos since I have not shown you any in awhile.

Hey everyone welcome back. So this time I am going to talk about people getting tattoos on there rear ends. Like why in the world would you really ever let anyone that you hardly even knew tattoo your rear behind. And as a tattoo artist that would be very gross because what if they had like a hairy rear end or just a plain old nasty rear end. I just think that personally if I was a tattoo artist I would have to puke if some showed me there rear end and told me that they wanted a tattoo placed on there that is just disgusting. Would you let someone do that to you? Just take a long thought processes into it. Maybe for like 10,000 dollars I could maybe bare it. But still it would be extremely hard. And most people who have tattoos on there rear end usually end up putting someones name like a family member, or a loved one. Really though why would you want to symbolize that loved one by having there name on your rear end. I think that that is just plain disrespect to that individual. What would you do though if you left that person and then got with someone else they are not going to want to see a tattoo of someones name on your rear end. So just in plain words do not ever in your whole life get a tattoo on your rear end.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. This has been a wonderful week because of the snow day. I only had to go to school for half a day this last week and all the other days we were closed for the day because of the snow and freezing cold weather. So that gave me time to add some work days in and go and watch my buddy get his tattoo. It came out looking really sweet and it barely bleed. During the time though two people came in and talked about getting a tattoo done by the worst place in town. And wanted to find a way to cover it up. She even talked about how the guy gave her a free tattoo and 40 dollars so that she would sleep with him. This place is just nasty dirty, I can not even believe that people still go and get tattoos done there. He does so many underage kids now of days so that he can still keep business, and i am really surprised that he has not gotten busted yet for doing tattoos on minors with out there parent consent. I am just waiting for him to be shut done. I thought it did happen but it came out to be that he moved his shop. But anyways my tattoo is only 2 weeks away now and I am so excited to get it. I have almost all of the money now. It is going to be amazing. But I am going to go now so I will post again tomorrow.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. I can not believe that it is really going to be -15 below zero here pretty soon. Well as I was saying earlier in posts my friend is having his tattoo done here in like 3 days. He is the one that is getting the flower emerging from the ground and sun. I also have mine coming up here pretty soon in like three weeks. Its so exciting. My boyfriend also is getting his tattoo fixed up because we happened to go to the wrong place to get his tattoo and it turned out pretty horrible. There are like patches of ink that are missing through out the tattoo, and that outline has already faded, and he has not even had it for more then a year.
To talk about tattoos though i was going to talk about big macho men who get the i heart mom tattoos on there bodies. Mostly on there upper shoulders. It is somewhat dumb because they get it so huge and in the same design most of the time anyways. They need to become a little more original with where they put it and how they make the design. I mean I understand that people love there parents and everything but they just need to be a little more unique with how they express it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hey so the topic today is going to be of people getting movie stars and artist tattooed on to there body. Why they would do that? I really do not understand. I pretty much think it is really dumb to get any famous person tattooed on to your body, because most of the time you do not even know them in real life or you will never actually meet them either. Now on circumstances if you are related to them or you have some how in some way been affected by them in your day to day life then there might be an exception to do so. For those who are like the crazy followers though you are really dumb to put that on your body and who ever it is that you put on your body might actually in real life think that it is pretty creepy. And so do the people that are around you at the time. I can understand maybe like a name but putting there face blown up on your body is dumb and you will regret it later down the road in life. I can promise you that much. So please if you are thinking about putting a tattoo on your body like that please do not. Down the road you will see that it was one of the biggest mistakes of your life. And you might even loose some friends because they think that you are kind of creepy. Here are some photos of people who will regret this later in life.

As you can see these people are some what creepy to do this and others probably think that same thing about them. But it was there choices and they will have to deal with the circumstances later in there life.
Hey everyone welcome back its been awhile since my last post. I had the pleasure of getting to have a wonderful week and a half of from school for Christmas break. It was great but it does suck to be back in school again. Anyways now that I have turned 18 I get the great pleasure to fix up my old tattoo and get my new one here in like 2 weeks. I am very excited because it is going to be the winged heart tattoo, but I am also going to add a spider web into the background of the original design. It is going to be such an amazingly great tattoo. I will be getting it on my lower back as well. This is the basic part of what the spider web and tattoo will look like.

To move on I am also maybe even thinking about re piercing my belly button and maybe piercing my tongue along with it. If you have not noticed yet I love body art!! I have already had my belly button done but it got infected so I had to take it out. I am hoping this time when I get it done that it does not get infected or else I will be pretty upset that i spent 80 dollars totally on trying to get this piercing to stay in. Also I really have no idea how bad the tongue piercing might hurt. I have seen one of my friends get it done and it seemed like it really hurt because he almost passed out when he got it done. One other thing that I think I might get redone is my Marilyn Monroe piercing that I used to have also, but unfortunately lost that when i got sick one night and it fell out.