Friday, April 3, 2009

Hey everyone welcome back. So I have some tragic news this past Sunday my uncle pasted away. It is horrible sad because I really loved that guy and he was so nice to everyone that he knew. Every child that was born in the family he would make them either a wooden cradle or high chair for the girls and a wooden fire truck for the boys. He dedicated his life to his family and his beloved wife Judy. I just feel so bad for her because Darrell was the love of her life. They were like best friends there were never apart and to just see her yesterday at the funeral just made me loose it. She is taking pretty hard but she puts a good front up. I just know that he will be loved and missed by everyone that he knew and every one's lives that he touched. He really was a remarkable man and husband, and I know that I am going to miss him horrible bad. I just really could not believe how bad I broke down at the funeral I really was not expecting it but when they kept saying Judy's name and did the flag fold I just crumbled. But it was a nice funeral and he will be happy up there with Jesus Christ. After though we had our usual family dinner get together in remembrance of him and it was actually very well put together. Both sides of the family was there and we all got to catch up on old times and see family that we had not seen in a long time. It was very nice. In remembrance of Darrell Lewis.

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