Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Welcome back long time no talk. Just messing with you. Anyways though about the whole tattoo thing I recently got to see an old buddy of mine this past weekend at my boyfriends birthday party and he had a really cool tattoo done on the forearm of his arm. It was of a five or six pointed star, I personally can not remember how many points there were but you get the point and then it had wings going out of it and it was all done in black and white and it actually was really good looking. Personally though I think tattoos look better with color but this one looked good on its very own with just black ink. The wings kind of reminded me of the wings that I have done on my back so that was kind of cool to have somewhat related tattoos in that sense. Now of days tough many people are getting wings on there bodies so you really have to be original if you plan on getting wings on your body and you really can not go with just the basic wings you have to spice it up some or else you are just going to be like everyone else with wings done. I use to want my back done with angel wings until I got my lower back done but now of days that tattoo is way to popular and I really do not want to ink myself up and just be like everyone else. You always want to be original with your designs that way no one else has the exact same thing on there body.

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